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Northern lights of the northern city

Saint Petersburg is a relic of the great empire, the last bedrock of modern Russian culture. Dozens of noble families consolidated to create this rare pearl of architecture, style and history. Feel the unique spirit of our northern city, try to analyse bygone years and grasp the inner motivation of St. Petersburgers. This city is full of creators, every citizen here is blessed with some talent – it is a mysterious site of poets, actors, playwrights, artists – like Parisian Montmartre of the 19th century. Can you imagine that a little over 3 hundred years ago there was a plain moor, inhabited by uneducated almost primitive tribes? It was a rich land, which attracted wealthy merchants and invaders. Alexander Nevsky defeated Swedish crusaders in 1240, and Peter the Great later built a lavra to commemorate that event. tour to St. Petersburg will involve you in an endless adventure, an infinite story of love, passion, treason and betrayal – grey stones of this city witnessed lots of deeds, but they will never breathe a word. In 1703 the Russian Army besieged Nienschanz fortress, it was the year of the foundation of the future Northern Capital.

Peter the First called a newborn city the “window into Europe”, as it was the closest Russian landmark to the Finnish border. Saint Petersburg is still considered to be the most European city in our “wild” and Asian country. A legend says that marshy ground was so insecure, that it was necessary to strengthen it with wooden planks, otherwise buildings started to sink. The great Russian tsar’s ambition was to create a new magnificent capital, nothing could stop him. Thousands of peasants were driven deliberately to this site with its bad weather and poor conditions, lots of them died because of various diseases. After several years of severe struggle with nature, aristocracy moved to the new capital and built famous luxurious palaces and castles. St Petersburg tour will amaze you. This city includes all the distinguished features of other famous cities and has something else. Graceful bridges and numerous canals like in Venice, magnificent cathedrals like in Rome, cozy medieval buildings like in Vilnius – and still something more. Maybe, there is some elusive beauty, which cannot be expressed in words.If you are planning to visit the city, the best time to go is a summer time. The renowned white nights season is June to July.


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