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Real Instagram followers a brilliant idea to band millions photo fans

Everyone knows the word «Instagram», so I was not an exception. Two days ago I realized my interest in professional photography ant started to churn out as many masterpieces as were possible. Suddenly I became an owner of more than a hundred photos which obviously is impressive. That was a moment I registered in «Instagram».
To be honest I considered «Instagram» a popular site or some sort of social network with huge servers like Google. Actually «Instagram» is just a simple sharing service, a short algorithm K. Systrom and M. Krieger made. You can not upload anything on «Instagram», so I was firstly shocked.
A brilliant idea to band millions real photo fans was pretty simple and obvious (I might guess). It’s like «All ingenious is simple».
Few years ago Facebook bought real Instagram followers and got an exclusive rights to show up the world food and… food again.
Food and Instagram followers is an interesting story for comic writers, every second one deem it wise to mention blondes menu careful hold on her account for years. It must be a holiday for her nutritionist. There in Russia beautiful served dishes appeared only a couple of years ago when Soviet Union pushed up daises. the fact we’ve never seen appetizing meals for ages explains our popular theme on «Instagram».
To tell the truth I don’t fully understand the reason Instagram followers became so wellknown. I suppose it’s a deliberate commercial trick. Polaroid and ADR studio announced Instagram Socialmatic Camera which will instantly make your photos public using «Instagram» logo and services of course.
They created Instacube. You think it could be something really helpful and brand new but reality doesn’t take your opinion into consideration. Instacube is a photo frame downloading and showing «Instagram» photos.
Someone probably thought of me like of morose old bones. It doesn’t do to complain about a good social network. People are so devoted to it because they can simply travel around the world sitting in their armchairs. Kith and kin not seeing each other for years watch 15 sec. videos and square shaped photos they made. «Instagram» browse us together. I last saw my sister two years ago but I know she is fine. I watched her playing in the yard with her children on «Instagram».
Finally I accept the terms of my own agreement with «Instagram». I thought for myself I would always post kind and colourful photos on my account on Facebook. I believe one day my wife will open my account, look through her favorites and say «You know we have something to remember».

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